Data display

Here is the output of some of my projects.


These files may be slow to load, with thousands of pages. They live in a Google Drive, they are produced periodically and can change at any time.

Source code of the BBand_LAP:

Here are all the reports monitoring the data processing of BBand_LAP:

Data processing reports

Clear sky identification

Plots of clear sky identification (CSid) algorithm results. Include both DNI and GHI, but the characterization is based only on GHI (v14.2):

CSid plots

GHI, global horizontal solar radiation

Data from a CM-21 pyranometer.

Plots of the CM-21 pyranometer raw signal:

CM-21 signal plots

Plots of the GHI from the CM-21 pyranometer:

CM-21 global radiation plots

CM-21 view over the city

DNI, direct normal solar radiation

Data from a CHP-1 pyrheliometer.

Plots of the CHP-1 pyrheliometer raw signal:

CHP-1 signal plots

Plots of the DNI from the CHP-1 pyrheliometer:

CHP-1 direct irradiance plots

CHP-1 tracking the Sun

Broad-band signals plots

Plots of the recorded signal of each of the 8 channels/instruments. Each line is “free floating” in the figure, so there are no values on the y-axis. These data are un-managed and the plots may be incomplete. They are intended only for the acquisition process monitoring.

All broadband plots

LAP weather station


All files should be uploaded daily.

  • Weather data is RAW!
  • They are not validated!
  • Not quality assured!
  • Read info files!

Weather data

Live weather data on external web sites

Davis installation